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Features, improvements, SDK releases, and more.

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Input validation API

Version 0.22.0 of our Node SDK features an all-new input validation API. You can now provide custom validation functions by chaining a .validate() method to individual I/O inputs or an In true Interval spirit, these validation functions are just plain old JavaScript/TypeScript functions that are defined and executed in your codebase.

Below is an example of our validation API being used to confirm that an email is available by running a query in our app's database:

A code sample that checks email address availability

You can also combine multiple values from a group:

A code sample that checks inventory availability

This is a huge upgrade to our developer experience that will help you create even more robust apps with clear error messaging for your users.

Check out the validation docs to learn more.

Nested actions beta

For those of you with growing libraries of actions, we're excited to say that nested actions are now in beta! We'll be rolling this out to all users soon, but if you want to become an early adopter and provide input on the API, reply to this email and we'll add you to the beta.

A screenshot of nested actions in the Interval dashboard

Other bugfixes & improvements

  • We've added documentation for, which allows you to combine multiple I/O method calls into a single form.
  • Our Slack integration now supports sending messages to private channels.
  • Archived actions that haven't been removed from your deployment yet are now shown in a separate, smaller area in the dashboard.
  • We fixed some text wrapping issues for actions with long names.

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