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Deploy on Render

In this guide we'll walk you through deploying an Interval app on Render.

An example repo is available on GitHub.

This guide assumes that your app's code is already hosted on GitHub or GitLab, as Render requires a repository on either service to deploy from. Alternatively, you can click the button below to create a new repository using the Node SDK and deploy it to Render:

Deploy to Render

We're going to set up a Background Worker service, which is the same configuration we use here at Interval. Running our tools as a separate service with auto-deploys enabled means our tools + app can share the same code, but we can update our tools much more frequently than we push updates to the production app.


  1. In the Render Dashboard, click New + > Background Worker to create a new background worker service.
  2. Choose your repository from the list.
  3. For Environment, choose Node.
  4. Set your Build and Start commands. If you're using create-interval-app, they are yarn build and yarn start.
  5. Choose a paid plan. The Starter plan should be suitable for running your Interval instance.
  6. Click Advanced, and then click Add Environment Variable.
  7. Get your Live mode key from the dashboard and add the key to Render as INTERVAL_KEY. You can reference this in your code as process.env.INTERVAL_KEY.
  8. Click Create Background Worker.

That's it! Render will launch the background worker, build your app, and start the Interval listener. Check the Logs in Render for progress and look for your actions to appear in the Actions tab in Interval shortly.

Having issues with any of these steps? Let us know and we'd be happy to help you out.

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